Transforming Ideas into Reality
with Code and Data

I am a recent graduate of Lehigh University with a degree in Computer Science & Engineering and a minor in Data Science. I'm most passionate about Python Development, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis.

Below is a link to the Lehigh University Course Catalog for Computer Science and Engineering of which I have completed all the courses listed.

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Reddit Search Interface

Reddit Search Interface is a web application that allows users to search for posts on Reddit. The application is built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS3

Star Wars Chess

Chess Game made in Java using AWT Graphics and Object Oriented Programming. The game is a Star Wars themed chess game with a custom board and pieces.

  • Java
  • AWT Graphics
  • Object Oriented Programming

Tron Legacy: Light-and-Sound Memory Game

A Tron Legacy themed light and sound memory game. The game is built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • Javascript

Totally Real News

News application features a free and paid user interfaces. Paid users are stored in MongoDB database, and a list of news preferences in their profile. Encryption is designed using Crypto.JS library for passwords.

  • MongoDB
  • Node.js
  • Crypto.JS


I've worked with a wide range a technologies, ranging from front end to back end to data science. From my experience, I've learned that the most important skill is the ability to learn new technologies quickly and efficiently.

  • Front-End

    HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
    react.js, and next.js
    2 years

  • Back-End

    Node, Django, and Databases
    like Oracle and MySQL
    2 years

  • NextJS on Netlify Banner


    Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
    2 years

  • Python

    Python Programming
    4 years

  • Java

    Java Programming
    2 years

  • C

    C Programming
    2 years

  • R

    R programming
    for Data Science
    2 years

  • Javascript

    Javascript Programming
    for Web Development
    2 years

  • UI/UX

    Design Software
    1 year

About Me

I have completed 2 internship experiences as a back-end software engineer my sophomore summmer. After, I interned as a software engineer at Qualcomm my junior year summer working in the IT LSF team. I enjoy working on API development with Django Rest Framework, React.js, Node.JS, and Express.js. I find it fascinating how web apps provide so much functionality a typical user doesn't see from the back-end. Occasionally, I enjoy working on front-end to exercise my design skills and versatility. I will be returning to Qualcomm for a full-time position in the IT LSF team after graduation.

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